曼秀雷敦 Melano CC 維C酵素深層潔面乳 Melano CC Deep Clear Enzyme Face Wash
曼秀雷敦 Melano CC 維C酵素深層潔面乳 Melano CC Deep Clear Enzyme Face Wash
Melano CC Deep Clear Enzyme Face Wash

Melano CC Deep Clear Enzyme Face Wash

Sale price£9.00 GBP
買滿 £50 的訂單 會在所有預訂(pre-order)商品和現貨到齊後才出貨。買滿 £100 以上,預訂(pre-order)商品及現貨會分2次出貨。

Delivery:Pre-order (4-6 weeks)
In stock

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Experience Intensive Care with Melano CC Series

Daily Pore Care with Enzyme and Vitamin C

Indulge in daily pore care with Melano CC Deep Clear Enzyme Face Wash. Formulated with potent enzymes (protease) and vitamin C (ascorbic acid), this facial cleansing foam offers intensive care for areas of concern. Recommended for daily use, it effectively cleanses the face while providing moisturization, leaving your skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Deep Cleansing and Moisturization

Enjoy a deep cleansing experience with Melano CC Deep Clear Enzyme Face Wash. The foam containing vitamin C not only cleanses the face but also protects moisture, ensuring that your skin stays hydrated and supple. The enzyme formula works to remove dirt and dead skin cells, leaving your skin smooth, clear, and radiant.

Effective Pore Cleansing with Clay

Say goodbye to clogged pores with Melano CC Deep Clear Enzyme Face Wash. The adsorbing foam with clay (kaolin) effectively removes dirt from pores, leaving your skin feeling clean and revitalized. Infused with a refreshing citrus fragrance, it's the perfect addition to your morning and evening skincare routine.


買滿港幣$500 / £50即可免運費!